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Jamie Dornan calls for renewed focus on Pancreatic Cancer

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

Jamie Dornan, patron of Northern Ireland Pancreatic Cancer (NIPANC), has called for a fresh focus on pancreatic cancer in the wake of Covid-19

Speaking from lockdown in his family home, Jamie Dornan expressed his concern that the national focus on stopping Covid-19 is impacting on the treatment of cancer sufferers and the vital work of cancer charities.

“It is right that our attention has been on stopping the spread of Covid-19 in our community. However, this national effort has taken our eyes off the detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer and other serious illnesses.”

“Pancreatic cancer alone results in more than 250 deaths across Northern Ireland each year. It is critical that we quickly refocus on promoting awareness of its symptoms and the importance of going to your GP immediately when possible symptoms are noticed.”

Jamie Dornan, whose mother died of pancreatic cancer more than twenty years ago, called on everyone to make themselves aware of Pancreatic cancer’s symptoms.

Pancreatic cancer is a terrible disease which takes too many lives each year. It remains one of the worst cancers in terms of survival rates.”

“We need to do much more to promote early diagnosis and to find more effective treatments. The recent lockdowns across the UK have too often resulted in delayed diagnoses, investigations and treatment for all types of cancers.”

“It is important that we are all aware of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer and seek medical advice when they occur. NIPANC’s social media pages offer a simple guide to typical symptoms.”

Jamie Dornan also expressed his support for those families coping with pancreatic cancer.

“Lockdown has also impacted on families who are affected by pancreatic cancer - isolating them during what is a very difficult time. It is critical that we reach out to them and provide them with the help and support that they need.”

“There is hope on the horizon, with research into pancreatic cancer beginning to generate important results. However, we are a long way from ground-breaking treatments and it is vital that we continue to support NIPanC and other cancer charities in raising funds for this pioneering research.”

Ivan McMinn, Chairman of NIPANC, welcomed Jamie Dornan’s support and said that 2020 was a difficult time for charities in Northern Ireland.

“With the Covid-19 lockdown, NIPANC has had to cancel most of its fundraising projects and has found it more difficult to reach out to families affected by pancreatic cancer.”

Ivan said that he appreciated that Covid-19 has been a priority of our community and the NHS but stressed the importance of not forgetting other serious health challenges such as pancreatic cancer.

“It is important that everyone in our community is aware of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer and goes immediately to their GP where they have concerns.”

“It is also crucial that we all support the funding of critical research into new and more effective treatments, and provide support and comfort for those families affected by this terrible condition.”

NIPANC is a Northern Ireland registered charity, working towards the goal of ending all deaths from Pancreatic Cancer.

For more information on this cancer or how you can help, refer to the NIPANC social media pages: @n.i.panc Instagram; @NIPANC_ Twitter; and

Notes for editors

1. For more information on pancreatic cancer or other press queries related to NIPANC'S activities contact Brian Grzymek on 07810188233 or



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