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Paint the route purple - #PedalThePeriphery update

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

We want you to help us paint the route purple when Andrea Harrower and her sister Cathy Booth take on their epic cycling endurance event when they will #PedalThePeriphery of Northern Ireland on June 9th, taking on 480 miles in just 48 hours.

It’s a massive fundraiser for NIPANC; the money donated going to a local research project on Pancreatic Cancer.

You can read more about the fundraiser here

We are excited to reveal the new kit here which is available to buy using the password Pedal

Be sure to purchase soon because to ensure early June delivery, the online store will close on April 16th. 30% of each item bought will be donated to NIPANC.

The range of high-performance technical clothing, by Colorado-based provider, Pactimo Custom Garments includes cycling jerseys, long and short-sleeved running tees, bib shorts, and neck buffs. Whether you are coming in support or pedaling along with the pair, there’s a piece of kit for you.

We love the #PedalThePeriphery and #IBlamePaddy logos. Counting down the days now.

Stage sponsors so far on the cycle top include BDO, Bath Shack, DPD, Design ID, Davy, Clarke, Plastec NI Ltd and Fustle Bikes. Additional stage sponsors will have the opportunity to have their logos wrapped on the 1974 purple VW Beetle support car belonging to Andrea currently being restored to its former glory. We have a limited number of stages still available for sponsorship, which includes opportunity to have your corporate logo on the purple VW Beetle which will follow the girls on the 480 mile route. If you are interested in such sponsorship please contact Cathy Booth, email:

Read more about 'Pedal the Periphery' and make a donation here


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 © 2020 NIPANC. Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC108048.

A Company limited by guarantee, registered in Northern Ireland

No. NI669172. Registered address: NIPANC 384 Belmont Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland UK BT4 2NF

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