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QUB in association with NIPANC launch a new phd opportunity

– Living with pancreatic cancer in Northern Ireland

NIPANC Chairperson Ivan McMinn with Dr Gary Mitchell, Senior Lecturer (Education), QUB

Following the success of the press launch of the NIPANC-funded Audit of Pancreatic Cancer in NI carried out by the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry, Queen’s University Belfast has announced another important research project with us which will be an exploratory study on living with pancreatic cancer in NI.

Applications for the PhD opportunity close at the end of the month and can be explored more by clicking here.

The project will involve scoping review, structured interviews with patients and family members, focus group interviews with healthcare professionals, and secondary data analysis of our recent pancreatic cancer audit. The successful applicant will work closely with NIPANC, briefing at Board meetings and attending charity events.

Dr Gary Mitchell, Senior Lecturer (Education) at QUB said: “QUB is delighted to announce this opportunity today. The study aims to identify potential inequality in treatment and inform future research and policy. The research will have global relevance due to the lack of empirical research on this topic. It is an exciting and worthwhile project.”

Pancreatic cancer survivor and Chairperson of NIPANC, Ivan McMinn MBE said: “This announcement comes straight off the back of our launch of a new audit funded by NIPANC on pancreatic cancer in NI. Funding research and driving awareness of the symptoms of the disease are two of our key objectives. This is another important step forward in our stand against this ‘Silent Killer.’ We look forward to working with the successful applicant and learning even more about the pathway of this illness as it affects individuals and families in NI.”



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